Business phone numbers, links and other details are listed below
Since the early 1960’s, Crystal Springs Shopping Center has served the needs of San Mateo, Belmont, and Hillsborough families.

Crystal Springs Tenant List
- 100 Safeway 650-341-4039
- 104 Clickaway Mobile 650-357-9000
- 108 Lily’s Creperie and Gelato 650-312-1579
- 110 Crystal Cleaning Center 650-342-6978
- 111 Starbucks Coffee Co. 650-345-0483
- 112 Rainbow Pizza 650-571-1848
- 112A Wells Fargo 650-571-6770
- 113 Les Amis Salon 650-570-5750
- 114 Neal’s Coffee Shop 650-581-1754
- 115 Wakuriya Japanese Kitchen 650-286-0410
- 116 Crystal Springs Fish & Poultry 650-212-7921
- 117 Dianda's Italian Bakery 650-570-6260
- 118 Spa Vibes 650-425-9902
- 119 Absolute Vision Opticians 650-525-9150
- 120 Little Hunan Restaurant 650-571-1575
- 121 California Cancer Care 650-341-9131
- 122 Crystal Springs Pet Hospital 650-341-3438
- 124 CVS Pharmacy 650-572-2438
- 128 Bar Method 650-573-3330
- 201 Alterations to Go 650-341-6360
- 201A Cobblers Bench 650-349-4209
- 203 Design Jewelry 650-345-7870
- 207 Armando's Mailbox 650-570-5562
- 211 Renew Laser Clinic 650-341-3600
- 214 Crystal Springs Chiropractic 650-574-1456
- 216–217 Smile Dental Center 650-377-0161
- 218 California Cancer Care 650-341-9131
- 222 Realty World Martinelli 650-578-1300
- 226 Osteopathic & Psychological Services 650-389-6145
- 228 Dr. Stephen John, DDS 650-571-1900
- 230 Kicks Taekwondo 650-401-2300